Learn more about our Study Evaluating the Effects of GLPG3667 Given as Oral Treatment in Adults With Dermatomyositis (GALARISSO) through this 2 minutes video.
Obtenga más información sobre nuestro Estudio de evaluación de los efectos de GLPG3667 administrado como tratamiento oral en adultos con dermatomiositis (GALARISSO ) a través de este vídeo de 2 minutos.
The content displayed in the video is aligned with info on clinicaltrials.gov. This video is only intended to inform investigators and health care professionals of this study and should not be shared with patients without prior sponsor and IRB/IEC approval. Note: The maximum number of or treatments for dermatomyositis (DM) allowed as concomitant therapy has been updated from 2 to 3 throughout the study. The video does not display this change, but only includes the latest update to maximum 3 treatments for DM (see minute 1:15), whereas the implementation of the respective protocol amendment will depend on approval from local regulatory authorities and ethics committees. Please contact the study team for more information.